make a


ADIC conducts research and training to build sustainable research capacity among local stakeholders connected to development issues in poor and food-insecure provinces.

we welcome partnerships related to our interested initiatives

Natural Resource

Livelihood &
Market Enhancement

Responses to
Social Change

the ADIC partnership process consists of five stages

Application → Consultation → Proposal → Execution →  Follow Up

make a difference with ADIC

Academic Partner

ADIC partners with universities to jointly conduct research and project activities in core thematic areas:

●     education & training development

●     social development initiatives

●     internship engagement

●     research engagement

ADIC networks with universities for joint academic partnership, which have included:

University of Utah, Asia Centre
United States

Mohidol University, Institute of Population and Social Research (IPSR)

Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID), Yonsei University
South Korea

AgroParisTech University

University of Bordeaux


ADIC hosts local and international student interns as part of its mission to train future researchers and development practitioners who will continue improving responses to development issues.

Interns are given the opportunity to learn about:

(1) ethical research practices
(2) the academic writing process
(3) and how to conduct field research studies
(4) organizational communications & marketing

ADIC operates in provinces throughout Cambodia, and interns have the opportunity to join our field research team to gain real-world experience on conducting qualitative research in urban and rural communities.

To apply for an internship, send your CV and a brief purpose statement (150-250 words) to

Research Partner

ADIC partners with your project vision.

We offer our partners an individual approach and comprehensive assistance — from designing the study to data analysis and using results for marketing and dissemination activities.

Project implementation is conducted in collaboration with grassroots actors and other reliable partners, which ensures a high standard of data collection.



You can make a difference. 

ADIC has conducted thousands of hours of social policy research for nonprofit missions around the world and for local policymakers.

Our efforts are made possible largely because of service from community members and volunteers willing to give their time and effort to help others. 

Each year, research and project volunteers provide valued services for ADIC — from coordinating resources, to facilitating stakeholder interactions, to participating in post-project data analysis.

Groups and individuals of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to volunteer with us. 

We welcome corporate giving programs and social groups, and provide volunteer experiences for schools, faith groups and individuals.

Every volunteer hour donated makes a difference in improving our community. The more hands involved, the greater the impact.

partnership application process


World Bank Group
Government of Japan
Amru Rice Company, Cambodia
Ponleu Ney Kdey Sangkheum (PNKS), Cambodia
Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP), NGO in Ratanakiri and Preah Vihear Provinces
Cambodian Indigenous Peoples’Organization (CIPO), NGO in Ratanakiri and Preah Vihear Provinces
Mahidol University, Thailand


Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF)
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD, UK)
LANDESA, Rural Development Institute, USA
RVO, The Netherlands, through Schuttelaar & Partners (S&P)
Transform Aid, Australia, through PNKS, Cambodia


Trailblazer Cambodia Organizations (TCO), NGO in Siem Reap Province
Aphivat Strey (AS), NGO in Battambang Province
Akphiwat Neary Khmer Organization (ANKO), NGO in Pursat Province


International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canada
World Fish Center, headquartered in Malaysia

Forum Syd, Sweden, based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Royal Embassy of Finland in Bangkok, Thailand

McKnight Foundation, USA

Southeast Asia Development Program (SADP), intermediary of McKnight Foundation, based in Cambodia

Mekong-ROK Cooperation Fund (MKCF), through Institute of Population and Social Research (IPSR) of Mahidol University, Thailand

ICCO Netherlands, through Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP), NGO in Ratanakiri Province

Mission Alliance, through Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP), NGO in Ratanakiri Province

Analyzing Development Issues Centre (ADIC) is a Cambodian policy and development agency providing civil society organizations and community leaders with the information and skills training necessary to meaningfully contribute to Cambodia’s development.

 Cambodian society enjoying economic, social, and environmental justice and growth.

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