Cambodia Sustainable Livelihood
for Indigenous Communities Project


To improve the livelihoods of indigenous people (IP) through implementation of innovative rural livelihoods development programs, including farming, off-farm and non-farm activities.

Bringing Learning to Life

Combine education, agriculture, community development and you get high school students in rural Mondulkiri Province digging deep to sow the seeds of change.

Oreang High School students are participating in CSLICP and engage in bio-gardening activities to build both environmental consciousness and practical skills.

School Bio-Gardens: A Living Classroom

Under the guidance of ADIC, CSLICP project leaders work to bridge a knowledge-skills gap by providing students with hands-on experiences in agriculture.

School bio-gardens serve as a living classroom, where young people not only learn about sustainable farming practices, but also witness the fruits of good cooperation and teamwork.

CSLICP bio-garden activities include training in sustainability, creating a water system for crops and growing a variety of vegetables and plants. ADIC field team members work with community groups in the rural province to grow Java potatoes, leafy vegetables, pumpkins, long beans, corn, cucumbers, eggplants, lemons, galanga, turmeric, ginger, moringa, among other crops.

Beyond acquiring agricultural know-how, students reap a harvest of soft skills crucial for their personal growth. Teamwork, communication, and problem-solving are cultivated alongside the crops, preparing these young minds for a future where adaptability and collaboration will become more essential.

Bio-gardens not only supply fresh produce for community use but also act as a model for sustainable agriculture practices that can be adopted by local families. Working with the next generation of environmental caretakers, CSLICP personnel teach students about biodiversity, soil health, and water conservation — instilling a rooted responsibility in sustainable stewardship of natural resources.

we consult with stakeholders to make the CSLICP initiative as relevant as possible to the local contexts  

Environmental and Social Management Framework
( ESMF )

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The ESMF establishes principles, rules, guidelines and procedures to assess the environmental and social risks and impacts of project activities.

Stakeholder Engagement Plan
( SEP )

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The SEP discusses the process of sharing information and knowledge, seeking to understand and respond to concerns of potentially affected individuals and groups, and building trust and constructive relationships.

Stakeholder Engagement Plan serves two purposes:

1 ) ensure a consistent, comprehensive, coordinated and culturally appropriate approach to engagement is undertaken.

2 ) fulfill all relevant legal and regulatory requirements of Cambodia 

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan
( ESCP )

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The ESCP outlines the material measures and actions, any specific documents or plans, to be carried out by ADIC, as well as the planned scheduling for each activity.

What is CSLICP?

Livelihood for

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We engage indigenous communities at the grassroots level through inclusive and participatory processes to properly assess needs and aspirations, and make plans. 

Analyzing Development Issues Centre (ADIC) is a Cambodian policy and development agency providing civil society organizations and community leaders with the information and skills training necessary to meaningfully contribute to Cambodia’s development.

 Cambodian society enjoying economic, social, and environmental justice and growth.

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